Taking a small child to a day care can be a heartbreaking moment for any parent. It will be near impossible to not fear for this child while you are at work. But there are a few simple steps you can do to improve this scenario, both before and after you make your selection of child care west valley city ut.

Before Your Decision

  • Schedule a Visit: Not all day care facilities are created equal. Some are spotless and staffed by experienced staff members; others don't seem suitable to fill their roles. You should also look inside to take a look inside and get to know the staff.
  • Review Accreditation: Accreditation is an easy way to verify the standards that a day care meets. A few accreditation organizations are the National Association of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC), and the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA).
  • Calculate Adult-to-Child Ratio: An important aspect of running a successful day care center is not having too many children compared to the amount of employees. A ratio of one adult to every four children is suitable for infants, while one adult to every 10 children is the standard for four-year-olds.

After Your Decision

  • Meet Regularly: Arrange frequent follow-up visits with the day care center staff. This is an easy way to keep up with your child's behavior patterns, what they are learning, and what to expect moving forward.
  • Volunteer: Many day care facilities provide volunteer opportunities to adults. This doesn't only pertain to watching children. You could also come on the weekend to clean rooms or repair toys.
  • Changing Your Mind is OK: If you have a change of heart about the facility you have selected, it's fine to select a new one. Don't let an awkward conversation get in the way of your child's well-being.